Sunday, March 25, 2007

Giuliani, Obama, and Modest Mouse

The US is considered by the world's people to have the worst impact on the world among all countries other than Iran and Israel--who were ranked number one and two respectively in a recent international poll conducted by Time magazine. No longer a beacon of freedom and democracy, we're seen as an aggressive hegemon in the minds of most humans. Incidentally, Canada, our frigid neighbor to the north, has claimed the title of country believed to have the most positive impact on the world.

I don't suppose that this has anything to do with the fact that we are still one and three-fourths years away from the election and already the front runners are clearly established and settled in for long campaigns. Apparently the rest of the world isn't alone in getting excited about the possibility of a new administration--Americans are chomping at the bit to vote for a replacement for George II.

Hillary has the lead among Democrats, but against Giuliani she's not holding up well--she'd lose by five points if the two went head to head right now. Obama, who is still behind in his own campaign for just the Democratic nomination, is doing better among moderates and is surprisingly neck and neck with Guiliani in the general election. Obama seems to be capturing the middle--interesting considering that his voting record is as liberal as it gets. He has charisma though. As a former college debater, I love to hear the man speak.

I can't get Modest Mouse's new song out of my head. "Dashboard" I think gives a fantastic new direction for a band that continues to surprise me after ten years on my radar. I think this song is comparable (not in style, but in quality) to classic Modest Mouse tracks like "The Third Planet" and "Polar Opposites".


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